I'm thinking of becoming a cat whisperer. Or an ambassador. Negotiating a lasting Middle East Peace Agreement can't be that much harder than re-establishing brotherly love between high-strung, high-drama Loki and I'm-only-going-to-be-nice-for-so-long-then-I'm-going-to-retaliate Thor.
It took two breakfast plates, a generous helping of catnip, an obsessive-compulsive's wet dream of exactly equally divided brushing, tuna treats, chicken treats, a rousing game of chase the stick, one set back by way of the aforementioned frustrated Thor bum rushing his not quite ready for detente brother, two Loki retreats into the hissy fit basket to have his hissy fit, one nervous negotiator fretting about them being together in the laundry room where several of their most serious fights occurred, but at the end of it, we had this:
And after almost four hours of peace talks, I could take a nap.
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