Friday, May 23, 2008


we have a tomato:

We also have a problem. Spoleto is upon us and as the dutiful girl friend of a journalist, I shall be attending performances for review.

And as a laid back, jeans and t-shirt kind of gal, I only have a few "good" outfits. You know, the funeral dress, the wedding dress, the job interview dress.

All of which fit me about 20 pounds ago.

So today I must do the one thing I despise more than a mammogram: Go clothes shopping at the mall.

Even worse, worse than a Pap smear: shop for shoes.

I'm the worst at being a girl.

Loki sez: I get a new shoebox to chew?

1 comment:

Heather Solos said...

As bad as shoe shopping, I need to go buy a "foundation" garment so I can wear my nice dress post 3rd baby. I fit it, I just need a little help.

I'm truly not looking forward to that little adventure.