Then the conversation ensued:
Jason: I really need to go through all my books in the spare room and get rid of at least 50% of them.
Me: Yes, I need to go through these out here and do the same.
We've had this conversation at least twice a year for years now and still, we have ten trillion books shoved in every corner of the house.
We should probably just codify the entire conversation:
Me: Books.
Jason: Uh-huh.
Current reading list:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (just re-read Order of the Phoenix and The Half Blood Prince)
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (a young adult vampire tale). I've nibbled on the first chapter enough to know I want to go ahead with the whole book.
Presents from Jason because we discussed Mark Twain and the desire in some quarters to remove the "N" word from Huck Finn and I mentioned I'd like to expand my Twain reading beyond the books that were required by my high school:
The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrim's Progress and (on my son's ultra groovy half brother's recommendation) Following the Equator.
In the stack:
What's the Matter with Kansas? by Thomas Frank
The Big Squeeze by Steven Greenhouse
Nixonland by Rick Perlstein
It's a fine line we walk, between bibliophile and biblioholic.
I fully admit to my powerlessness over books but Jason still thinks he is just a lover of books.
Thor sez: Frankly, I don't understand why you stare a marks on a page when you could be looking at my abundance of cuteness.
I thoroughly enjoyed Twilight. I enjoy Young Adult books, mostly because there is still at least some innocence that many authors of adult books neglect.
Perhaps I'm naive, but I still think there should be more to the romantic side of contemporary novels than the current, first kiss and see how quickly we can work up to a bedroom scene.
Heather - I agree. When Jason first brought home Twilight, he only said it was a vampire tale, didn't mention that it was a YA story. I yawned, rolled my eyes and said, "Oh, another porn for the girls book?"
It's why I prefer YA books. The stories are better because they must hold the attention of teens, as difficult task in these days of technology.
You only have to look at the popularity of the HP series among adults to know that you and I are not alone in wanting good stories to read.
Hey - you mentioned my favorite book series (Harry Potter) AND the book I've been dancing around deciding to read for the last three months (Twilight) in the same post.
The Deathly Hallows ROCKS. Have read it once and listened to it on CD twice so far... not tired of it yet.
I may just bop over to the lie-berry and grab Twilight now that you've mentioned it. I'm a vampire girl from wayyyyy back. Just afraid of the stories that totally bite - haha.
- M
I liked the twist Stephenie Meyer put on vampires with Twilight, especially with the Cullen family.
The book did get a bit mushy toward the middle but it picked up the pace and ended on a satisfying note.
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