Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So you say you want a revolution?

I think we need one. A good old fashioned revolution.

Remember these quaint old words: Government for the people, by the people?

That's been completely usurped by: Government for the lobbyists for big business by the men they have purchased.

And in the most charming of rituals of our current times, let's place blame.

Oh, my, who could it be? Who is at fault? The politicians? The lobbyists? The billion dollar corporations buying off the politicians?



It is our fault. It is the fault of a population who doesn't care. It is the fault of the some 85 million eligible voters who aren't even registered.

It's the fault of the average of 60% of registered voters who don't bother to go vote.

Silence implies consent.

The continued silence of the majority of the population implies that we want our government hijacked by special interest groups, that we want the heads of a few corporations to design policy. That we want our tax dollars plundered and squandered away making sure that the very few at the top get what they need to survive and thrive.

The continued silence of the majority ensures that this will continue until the bloated corpse of our once admired model of government topples under it's own corruption.

Then we will all stand around and point fingers.

Here's a thought. What if every person eligible to vote actually went out and registered. A fully registered population alone would scare the living snot out of the political machinary of all the parties.

And then what if The People actually went and voted?

All of us.

Who do you think the politicians would be listening to then?

And if they failed to perform their duties for The People, they were voted out?

How many elections do you think it would take before they began once again serving The People?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with 99% of what you wrote but don't forget that "big business" isn't the only group to lobby Congress and the White House. Unions, activist groups, and big business (which is good at hedging its bets and spreading the money around to both parties) have all bought their fair share of politicians.