One is done and submitted. Well, as done as done can be. Seriously, you can pick at a story forever and at some point you just have to say enough.
The second is newer and has had fewer going overs than the first, but I think it is better written, so hopefully it won't be as tortuous to edit. My characters have to stop cussing so much, this I know. One edit, that was all I did was take out all the fucks and shits. For Pete's sake, just because I cuss like crazy (I blame my brothers), doesn't mean everyone who lives in my head needs to do so.
But any casual reader of this blog knows that I detest editing. So I've been very grumpy lately. But my house is clean due to the whole I-know-I-should-be-editing-but-this-mess-that-has-been-here-since-last-year-must-be-cleaned-right-now syndrome.
Plus, having this sprawled out across the desk is just distracting:
Thor sez: Shut up and adore me.
(Note the air paw-knead that accompanies the purr that can be felt while typing)
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