Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Two things I'm doing:

Editing. I finished the first draft of what is looking like a trilogy. Wrote such a skimpy first draft of part two that it is more of an outline than a first draft. Now being a grown up and not letting myself fool around with part three or part two until I've done a serious edit/rewrite of part one.

On line browsing. Since we aren't taking a trip this year, I'm going to redo the bedroom. New furniture (so it all matches, like a grown up's house), paint, new bedding, ect.

Two things I'm working on:

Developing some sort of diet. I've never been able to follow a diet. I'm more of an eat less and move more kind of girl. But several people at work are following some different diets and I've been exploring the principles behind them and am trying to incorporate some of the ideals into my daily eating patterns. Trying the eat a small healthy snack every two hours thing and after a week, have noticed that I don't get hungry, have to remind myself to have my snack and eat smaller portions for my main meals. I was wanting to lose 30 pounds by next December (my annual physical), but when someone pointed out I'd probably have to give up wine, I decided on 20 pounds. Sorry, but there are priorities in life.

Getting back into my walking routine. I'm really ashamed that I had the discipline to keep up with my 3-4 mile walks 3-4 days a week all through this summer when the heat indexes were in the 110's, yet once it began to cool down, I let it slid until it had been almost three months.

The two reasons y'all keep coming back:


Anonymous said...

If I can do it you can too. I turned 62 last Oct. On May 20th of 2010...... My blood sugar was high.....I was overweight and I had no energy.....I bought the Glycimic Index for Dummies book and started walking the dog 18 minutes every weekday morning and. 30 minutes by myself in late afternoon.....30 minutes by myself on Sat and Sun....by Dec 20th I lost 35 pounds. Last week I had blood work done and it was perfect AND my bone density test indicated I have the bones of a 25 year old.......figures no one else can see my "young" bones!!!!
Seriously you can do this and you'll feel great.

JanetLee said...

Thanks! I'm working on it. I worry about my blood sugars also. Plus I have genetic (as opposed to dietary) high cholesterol that I've kept pretty well under control due to my overall good diet, but as I'm getting older, I worry about it getting away from me.